Ted Estes
Glen Ellyn District 41
School Board Candidate
I am proud of the work our school board has accomplished while I have been a member. Here is some of the impact that we have made.
Continued Academic Excellence
4 exemplary, 1 commendable school
DuPage Middle School Principal of the Year
Top 10% academically
PreK Program achieved Gold status
HumaneX school survey results were exceptional
Added Student Support Services
Increased staffing for special education instruction
Added administrative support for student services
Added a social worker to the district staff
Piloted and implemented new classroom tech
Approved upgrading the district’s tech department
Supported staff
Joined AASA Learning 2025
Approved a new teacher contract
Approved a new superintendent contract
Prioritized Health and safety of our students and their families
Approved hiring a district lead nurse to oversee student health
Using expert consultants on different topics
Brought in a crisis/threat intervention specialist
Increased district response effectiveness to threats of student safety
Worked with local law enforcement to keep students, staff and parents safe while attending school and district functions
Adopted an online mental health service for students
Applied for and was awarded a $250k grant for mental health services
Partnered with Village Board to present seminar on school shootings
Continued building skills as a board
Invested in PD on board leadership
Invested in school-level culture and climate
Participated in school governance PD/trainings
Approved rules for running effective and respectful board business meetings
Awarded IASB School Board Governance Recognition for the first time in 2019. Renewed in 2021. (Recognition is for a 2-year period.)
Advocated for education policy with federal and state representatives
Adopted a new strategic plan
Approved a new DEI committee and an equity initiative
Adopted and participated in an expanded board community engagement plan
A very diverse and robust district communication program
Continued to try to resolve space issues
Bought land so the district can build and expand programming
Put forth a comprehensive plan for addressing school space and the education need to provide FDK and expand PreK